What is Energetic Labyrinths?
A journey through the labyrinth is a moment of being in the ‘here and now’ – when there is no confusion but peace, when there is no discomfort but harmony, when there are no thoughts but stillness. A journey through the labyrinth is a full concentration, meditation and contemplation into the inner self. It is the reminder of who you really are.
Walking the sacred path
Bioenergetics scientists argue that geometric forms of labyrinths have their own energy fields that affect the human energy fields. Once exposed to such energy, the human inside energy field starts to feel harmony and peace [2].
Benefits of Labyrinths in Healthcare Settings
Scientists these days tend to think that labyrinths affect the activity of a human brain. For example when walking through a labyrinth path which suddenly turns 180 degrees – it causes one of your cerebral hemispheres of the brain to switch to the other one. This process happens over and over again until you finish walking through the maze. Using this method your brain starts working hard in a short period of time, hence manifestation of many potential abilities and sudden power flows are possible [1]. This is one of the reasons why it is believed that labyrinths perform miracles and change peoples’ lives.
Meditation and prayer
Catriona MacGregor in her book "Partnering with Nature: The Wild Path to Reconnecting with the Earth" explains that labyrinths spread a special energy of the Earth which is why they are very powerful [3]. According to the Energy Labyrinth creator and specialist Marty Clain, when a person goes through the labyrinth he communicates with the Earth and its energy. The Earth energy rising through the geometric shapes of labyrinths creates a powerful love which works energetically to those walking in the labyrinth[4].
The special vibration spread by labyrinths helps strengthen meditation and the power of prayers. Meditation and prayer resonates with the vibration of labyrinth, therefore people feel that their prayers and meditation are much more powerful and they have an impact on their lives restoring their inner peace [5].
It is thought that the first classic 7 wheel spiral-shaped labyrinths were representing the universe, the Sun and the movement of the planets [6].
It is the model of the universe stretching from one point into the vast universe. It is The Divine energy burst going round in a spiral; it is eternal cosmic energy giving spark to all that lives. This sort of spiral labyrinth is inherent not only in the structure of the galaxies but also the human DNA and the growth proportions of trees and plants. Experts of energy labyrinths believe that labyrinths create ‘Pi’ vibration (numbers 1:1.618) that spreads within the labyrinth and also beyond the labyrinth boundaries [7].
Blanche Merz in the book ‘Points of Cosmic Energy’ described the scientific study which proved that the vibration in the centre of the energy labyrinth is equivalent to the vibration coming from churches, cathedrals and altars [8]. This vibration creates a sense of goodness and it can heal because the brain affected my vibration harmonise the human body.
‘Divine Template Creations’ website suggests that once a person is walking down the labyrinth path towards the centre, he is also going deeper and deeper into his inner self. When a person comes back from the centre of the maze he achieves purer clarity and better connection with the inner self [9]. Many people around the world have agreed feeling more relaxed and at peace after walking through the labyrinth paths [10].
According to Helen Curry in her book ‘The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Medication for Everyday Life’ – when a person comes to the centre of the labyrinth he ‘knows that he came back home and that is where he is suppose to be’. According to the author, going through the labyrinth is a ‘sacred purification’. She suggests that people can purify their consciousness and get rid of negative emotions and negative energy [11].
[1] – http://www.sthilda.ca/labyrinth.html
[2] – Lauren Artress, Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, 2006, Riverhead books, New York.
[3] – Lauren Artress, Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, 2006, Riverhead books, New York
[4] – Helen Curry, The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Meditation for Everyday Life, 2000, Penguin books, New York.
[5] – http://www.labyrinthbuilders.co.uk/about_labyrinths/
[6] – Catriona MacGregor, Partnering with Nature: The Wild Path to Reconnecting with the Earth, 2010, Atria Books/Beyond Words, New York.
[7] – http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov2/mcain.htm
[8] – Melissa Gayle West, Exploring the Labyrinth: A Guide for Healing and Spiritual Growth, 2000, Broadway Books, New York.
[9] – http://www.labyrinthina.com/path.htm
[10] – http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov2/mcain.htm
[11] – Blanche Merz, Points of cosmic energy, 1987, The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd,
[12] – http://www.divinetemplatecreations.com/sacred_geometry/labyrinths.html
[13] – http://www.vermontenergymedicine.org/labyrinth-workshops
[14] – Helen Curry, The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Meditation for Everyday Life, 2000, Penguin books, New York.